25 Oct 19'
Metacognitive therapy holds hope for depression sufferers

Metacognitive therapy holds hope for depression sufferers

A recent study's findings show that metacognitive therapy can help to prevent relapses in those suffering from major depression.

18 Oct 19'
Using moms to predict adolescent obesity

Using moms to predict adolescent obesity

Researchers have identified three factors that can help doctors to predict children at risk of being overweight or developing obesity in adolescence, and moms play an important role.

11 Oct 19'
This genetic link that may help to explain some cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

This genetic link that may help to explain some cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SID) claims thousands of infants lives each year. Now researchers have identified mitochondrial tri-functional protein deficiency (MTPD) as a genetically linked cause that may explain some instances of SIDS. This finding could revolutionize future treatment for this condition.

04 Oct 19'
Suffering from IBD symptoms even in remission? The FODMAP diet may help

Suffering from IBD symptoms even in remission? The FODMAP diet may help

New research shows that a low FODMAP diet can help to improve specific IBS-like symptoms and quality of life in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

27 Sep 19'
Fighting with your partner? Here's how to successfully move past it

Fighting with your partner? Here's how to successfully move past it

New research finds that the way in which you and your partner behave after a fight can determine whether it can weaken or strengthen your relationship long term

19 Sep 19'
Vaping-related lung illness update

Vaping-related lung illness update

As the number of vaping-related cases of lung disease rise, the authorities are no closer to finding the cause of this mysterious illness. Here's what we know so far...

13 Sep 19'
Home Environments influence premature babies’ prospects

Home Environments influence premature babies’ prospects

Could the home environments of very preterm babies be more of an indicator of future outcomes than the medical challenges they face? A new study says yes...

06 Sep 19'
The world’s first corneal transplant using genetically ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells

The world’s first corneal transplant using genetically ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells

Just 1 in 70 candidates awaiting cornea transplants receive a cornea, the rest are subject to a life of visual impairment or even total blindness. Could induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) be the answer? Japanese researchers believe so after successfully completing the world's first corneal transplant using iPS cells.

30 Aug 19'
Researchers find differences in the expression of psychopath’s genes

Researchers find differences in the expression of psychopath’s genes

Could genes be not only the key to explaining psychopathy but also treating it? Findings from a new study reveal that this may be a very real possibility.

23 Aug 19'
A glimmer of hope for those facing a deadly childhood brain cancer

A glimmer of hope for those facing a deadly childhood brain cancer

An international team of researchers has discovered a new approach to treating Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas (DIPG) that may give sufferers a fighting chance.
