Lumps and bumps - When should you see the doctor?

Lumps and bumps - When should you see the doctor?

Many cases of swelling lumps can be harmless, with some going away on their own when left untreated. In other cases, swelling and lumps are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or discomfort.

If in doubt, see your physician as soon as possible, especially where you are experiencing other unexplained symptoms. Your doctor will examine the area where swelling or lumps are located, and help to confirm the cause.

If there is any uncertainty your doctor may recommend a biopsy or even an ultrasound scan. Where necessary, surgery is an option to remove certain types of lumps in cases where your physician feels it is most necessary.

If you notice any of the following, you should consult your GP (7):

  • The lump has become larger in size
  • The lump or area of swelling has become painful
  • The lump feels hard to the touch
  • The lump grows back after it has been previously removed (in this instance your doctor will test the type of lump it is, and try and rule out rare types of tissue cancer such as sarcoma).


7. niDirect Government Services. August 2018. Lumps and Swellings:  [Accessed 29.08.2018]

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