

Cancer defined 

Your cells are the building blocks that make up your body. Your body will create cells that are new when needed and replace old ones when they perish. Healthy cells have a lifecycle of a specific time. Sometimes, something can go wrong with the process, due to mutations or changes in the DNA, and your cells start to replace themselves when they do not need to, creating new cells when old ones haven’t died yet.

These cells then form a mass of cells that is called a tumour. Tumours are either malignant or benign. Malignant tumours are always known to be cancerous, whilst benign tumours are not. Benign tumours grow in only one place and do not spread or invade other parts of your body. They are still dangerous as they are able to put pressure on vital body organs. Malignant tumours invade nearby tissue in your body and can separate and move to other areas of your body. However, cancers of the blood, such as leukaemias, do not generally form solid tumours.  

Cancer is the umbrella term for the group of diseases caused by the rapid division of the abnormal cells in your body spreading to other organs and tissue. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.  

There are over 100 cancer types, the following article will discuss the most common. Please note that this article is intended to be used only as a guideline and not as a professional opinion. It is always best to consult with a doctor or health care professional for that.  

NEXT The difference between normal and cancer cells

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