31 May 19'
Feeling burned out? It's a legitimate workplace phenomenon

Feeling burned out? It's a legitimate workplace phenomenon

Burnout is an increasingly noted workplace phenomenon. While it is still not considered a medical condition, the new ICD definition recognises that it has a legitimate influence on an affected person’s health status and is considered a valid reason for people seeking healthcare services.

24 May 19'
Google's AI more accurate than radiologists in lung cancer screening

Google's AI more accurate than radiologists in lung cancer screening

Google is pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field and findings from a recent study on lung cancer prediction reveal that its better than radiologists when it comes to diagnostics.

17 May 19'
When 'clean eating' becomes obsessive

When 'clean eating' becomes obsessive

Eating 'clean' has a variety of health benefits, but too much of this good thing can, in fact, be harmful to your health. Here's why.

10 May 19'
Why you shouldn’t always trust weight-loss influencer advice

Why you shouldn’t always trust weight-loss influencer advice

Social media influencers are everywhere but just because they have a huge following does it mean you should trust their advice? Recent findings say no.

03 May 19'
Could drones be the new 'uber' for organs?

Could drones be the new 'uber' for organs?

Could drones be the future of organ transplant delivery? If this 'proof-of-concept' is anything to go by, the answer may be yes...

26 Apr 19'
Got children under 5? Why they need to sit less and play more

Got children under 5? Why they need to sit less and play more

Sit less, play more - this is the World Health Organisation's recommendation for children under 5. Here's why and their guidelines on what you as a parent or caregiver can do.

12 Apr 19'
Just because it’s 'herbal' or 'natural' doesn’t automatically mean it’s safe, especially in pregnancy

Just because it’s 'herbal' or 'natural' doesn’t automatically mean it’s safe, especially in pregnancy

If you think 'herbal' and 'natural' automatically means a product or supplement is 'safe' and 'safe to use during pregnancy, it's time to think again. Research shows that this is not always the case with many natural and herbal products and supplements and that some commonly used herbs and herbal products may cause unwanted side effects and could be linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes.

05 Apr 19'
Feeling stressed? The cure may be simpler than you think…

Feeling stressed? The cure may be simpler than you think…

What if there was a low-cost (possibly free) way to reduce your stress levels and improve your overall health and well-being? New research shows that a 'nature pill' may just be the answer.

29 Mar 19'
World's first HIV-positive to HIV-positive kidney transplant

World's first HIV-positive to HIV-positive kidney transplant

The world's first ever HIV-to-HIV kidney transplant from a living donor and why this groundbreaking feat is not only remarkable for those living with HIV, but for everyone awaiting kidney transplants in the USA.

22 Mar 19'
Could odour be the key to the early detection of Parkinson’s disease?

Could odour be the key to the early detection of Parkinson’s disease?

One woman’s ability to smell Parkinson’s disease pioneered studies that may aid in the earlier diagnosis and soon provide the first definitive diagnostic test for the disease.
