16 Aug 19'
Are women really better at multi-tasking than men? The answer may surprise you

Are women really better at multi-tasking than men? The answer may surprise you

It's a widely-held belief that the fairer sex is better at multi-tasking but is there really any truth to this gender stereotype? A new study's findings may surprise you...

09 Aug 19'
New wearable foetal monitor could save unborn babies

New wearable foetal monitor could save unborn babies

A new, wearable foetal monitor may help to save babies' lives through the early detection of changes that could signal life-threatening issues.

26 Jul 19'
Dark skinned? Tattoo sleeve? Overweight? Why your heart rate monitor may have issues

Dark skinned? Tattoo sleeve? Overweight? Why your heart rate monitor may have issues

When it comes to health and fitness trackers, heart rate monitor readings just simply aren't the same for everyone. We look at why and what you need to know.

19 Jul 19'
New e-skin could equip robots and human prosthetics with a sense of touch

New e-skin could equip robots and human prosthetics with a sense of touch

It may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but thanks to researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS), robots and human prosthetics may soon have a sense of touch similar or superior to that of human skin.

12 Jul 19'
Surgical procedures to assist newborns in breastfeeding are not always necessary

Surgical procedures to assist newborns in breastfeeding are not always necessary

Tongue-tie and lip-tie tether-release surgeries to treat breastfeeding difficulties are on the rise but could infants benefit from less invasive interventions? A new study says yes...

05 Jul 19'
Taking an SSRI antidepressant like Prozac, Paxil or Wellbutrin? Here’s what you need to know…

Taking an SSRI antidepressant like Prozac, Paxil or Wellbutrin? Here’s what you need to know…

Common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil and Wellbutrin interact with the opioid medications (i.e. a class of painkillers derived from the opium poppy, that act on the nervous system to relieve pain) making them considerably less effective in providing pain relief. This effectively means that some people may, in fact, be under-medicated which may explain why some of these individuals exceed the recommended dosages for certain painkillers, elevating their risk of addiction.

28 Jun 19'
What if doctors could ‘see’ our pain?

What if doctors could ‘see’ our pain?

Researchers find that using neuroimaging-based augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) can allow doctors to visualise patients pain in real-time.

21 Jun 19'
Body image issues? Could 3D body imaging be the solution?

Body image issues? Could 3D body imaging be the solution?

3D technology has not only revolutionised medical imaging and changed the way we watch movies, but it may now also be the answer to improving our perceptions of body image, allowing us to better appreciate how amazing our bodies really are, regardless of their shape and size.

14 Jun 19'
Obesity is a growing health concern, is Nike’s new plus-size mannequin helping or harming?

Obesity is a growing health concern, is Nike’s new plus-size mannequin helping or harming?

Nike recently unveiled a new plus-size mannequin in its flagship store in Oxford Street, London. While the move was initially hailed as a giant leap forward for inclusivity in sportwear, things quickly took a detour when critics’ comments sparked a social media furore. The debate that has ensued has offered far more important insight into the real issues that should be addressed, especially when it comes to physical and psychological health.

07 Jun 19'
Hookah-related poisoning – Is your hubbly bubbly giving you more than you bargained for?

Hookah-related poisoning – Is your hubbly bubbly giving you more than you bargained for?

If you think smoking a hookah pipe is a safer alternative to smoking, think again. We look at what every smoker and even non-smokers should know.
