15 Mar 19'
Scientists call for a halt on gene-edited babies

Scientists call for a halt on gene-edited babies

Medical miracle or designer babies debacle? A recent call for a moratorium on human germline gene-editing and push for regulation sparks an intense debate.

08 Mar 19'
Millennials - not as healthy as we think

Millennials - not as healthy as we think

With access to greater connectivity, more knowledge, medical advancements and primary healthcare in general, as well as being more actively engaged in health and wellness overall the millennial generation is not as healthy as we think. Here's why...

27 Feb 19'
Zombie deer disease – Separating fact from fiction

Zombie deer disease – Separating fact from fiction

What is 'zombie deer disease' and more importantly, is there any truth to the headlines that it could pose a threat to humans? MyMed.com investigates…

23 Feb 19'
How what you’re reading may be affecting your health

How what you’re reading may be affecting your health

The hard truth is that not every health or medical headline you read is true, and you shouldn't be following the advice of much of the mainstream media. Here's why...

15 Feb 19'
The battle for our children’s minds

The battle for our children’s minds

Mental health conditions affect 20% of children worldwide and only half of these ever receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

08 Feb 19'
What the brightest minds in the fight against cancer will be discussing this year

What the brightest minds in the fight against cancer will be discussing this year

A look at what the brightest minds in the fight against cancer will be discussing at the upcoming 14th Global summit on Oncology and Cancer.

01 Feb 19'
Schizophrenia – faulty brain circuitry to blame?

Schizophrenia – faulty brain circuitry to blame?

Could faulty brain circuitry be to blame when it comes to the symptoms associated with schizophrenia? A recent study has made some remarkable findings that offer hope to those suffering from this debilitating mental disorder.

25 Jan 19'
Does enhancing your looks have negative social consequences?

Does enhancing your looks have negative social consequences?

Could simply applying make-up make you the object of envy, target of indirect aggression and lead to social shunning by other women? One study proves it might. Here's why...

18 Jan 19'
A 2019 global health threat that may surprise you…

A 2019 global health threat that may surprise you…

Amongst the World Health Organization's list of global health threats in 2019, which include air pollution, climate change and a host of life-threatening illness like HIV and the Ebola virus, a new entry is more than a little surprising...

10 Jan 19'
Could a common food additive be compromising your physical activity?

Could a common food additive be compromising your physical activity?

Could something as seemingly insignificant as a food additive be compromising exercise tolerance and contributing to increasingly sedentary lifestyles? New research findings reveal that this may just be the case.
