What are the common causes and symptoms of gastroenteritis?

What are the common causes and symptoms of gastroenteritis?

What are the common causes of gastro?

There are a variety of ways that gastro is spread, it is most commonly spread through:

  • Not washing your hands after going to the toilet or after changing a diaper.
  • Eating or drinking contaminated food or water, such as sewage-contaminated water.
  • Coming into contact with someone who has the virus (viral infection).
  • Eating raw or unhygienically prepared food.

Parasitic Gastroenteritis

This is the least common cause of gastro. However, it is possible to pick up organisms like cryptosporidium or giardia by drinking contaminated water or by swimming in a contaminated swimming pool.

Have a look at the sections on the causes and symptoms of viral gastroenteritis and bacterial gastroenteritis. 

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