What are the dosage recommendations for apple cider vinegar?

What are the dosage recommendations for apple cider vinegar?

Recommended dosages for apple cider vinegar vary from one natural health product to the next. In general, they depend on a variety of factors such as condition being treated, the user’s age, health status and whether any other health conditions are being experienced or treated.

While the typical dose is 15 to 30ml (1 to 2 tablespoons) mixed with water before or after meals, at this time, however, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support either appropriate or safe ranges of dosages. Dosages are always important, even when a product is considered a ‘natural’ health remedy.

If you are going to use apple cider vinegar, always consult your doctor first and use the product as is indicated on the label.

Safely consuming apple cider vinegar

In spite of the lack of scientific evidence to support dosages, if you are considering using apple cider vinegar, the following guidelines explain how to ingest apple cider vinegar in such a way as to minimise the potential side effects.

Please note that in light of the lack of scientific evidence and regulatory practices regarding the safe and effective dosages of apple cider vinegar, these cannot be considered to make the use of the supplement ‘safe’:

  • Limiting your intake – It is best to begin with a lower dose of apple cider vinegar and then work this amount up to the maximum recommendation as per the product label.
  • Minimising tooth exposure to acid – It is best to drink apple cider vinegar through a straw once you have diluted it, particularly if you already have sensitive teeth.
  • Rinsing your mouth – After drinking apple cider vinegar, it may help to rinse your mouth with water. In order for further tooth enamel damage to be prevented, you should wait about 30 minutes before you brush your teeth.
  • Avoid using apple cider vinegar if you suffer from gastroparesis – Apple cider vinegar can aggravate the symptoms of gastroparesis (i.e. causing further delay of stomach emptying). If you have this condition, then speak to your doctor before taking any form of apple cider vinegar.
  • Being aware of allergies – While rare, if you experience an allergic reaction to apple cider vinegar, then stop taking it immediately.
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