Complications of shingles

Complications of shingles

What are some complications related to shingles?

If you've had chickenpox or shingles before it is always important to monitor your symptoms so that you can prevent any further complications arising. Complications can include:

  • Eye damage if the rash has spread to the eyes. This damage can be permanent and impact your vision.
  • Bacterial infections occurring through the open blisters, pneumonia is one such infection.
  • Your brain or spinal cord becoming inflamed leading to meningitis or encephalitis, both being serious and life-threatening conditions.

There is no cure for shingles. Shingles, if left untreated, can lead to sever and sometimes life-threatening complications. However, if detected and treated in the early stages of the condition, it is likely that a swift recovery will take place. Activation of the virus is known to recur even after someone has already had shingles. It is therefore always best to seek advice and guidance of a healthcare professional should you develop pain and a rash that you think may be shingles.


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