What are the complications of swollen feet and ankles?

What are the complications of swollen feet and ankles?

Swollen feet and ankles are normally an uncomfortable symptom to deal with, particularly when walking or running. If you suffer from chronic swelling, this may result in skin ulcers and a change of colour of the skin. If ulcers develop, then these may become infected.

Ulcers are a result of prolonged periods of inadequate blood flow to a specific area on your body and manifest in the form of skin sores that are very slow to heal. If blood flow is restricted, then healing is delayed.

If skin infections develop, these can result in further complications such as:

  • Abscess formation – An abscess is a painful accumulation of pus that is usually caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Cellulitis – This is a common bacterial infection of the skin that results in swelling and redness that is sore to touch.
  • Necrotising fasciitis – This is a severe bacterial infection that leads to the destruction of tissue under the skin, simply put, necrotising fasciitis is a flesh-eating condition.
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