What to expect when undergoing a non-surgical rhinoplasty

What to expect when undergoing a non-surgical rhinoplasty

Some deformities of the nose are relatively simple to correct through non-surgical rhinoplasty techniques, however, more complex issues should be corrected by experienced practitioners and may also require surgical intervention.

There are some low-risk nasal zones or areas that are considered relatively easy to fix and achieve great results with low risks of potential complications. Some of these low-risk zones include:

  • Saddle deformity (i.e. nasal bridge indentation)
  • A flat, short nose
  • A mild dorsal hump (i.e. an obvious convexity on the nasal bridge that creates the appearance of a hump or bump)

Areas that are classified as ‘high-risk’ are deemed to have the highest risk for skin necrosis (i.e. loss of blood supply resulting in the death of skin cells). As a result, it is recommended that only highly skilled and experienced practitioners perform a non-surgical rhinoplasty in these areas, which include:

  • The glabella – The area of flat bone between the eyebrows
  • The alar recess - The sidewall of the nose
  • The nasal tip

**My Med Memo - Certain practitioners will be more experienced and skilled in performing non-surgical rhinoplasties in certain areas of the nose than others. It is important that you do your research before having this procedure done. A number of aesthetic practitioners may perform non-surgical rhinoplasties with only minimal experience in administering dermal fillers. To ensure the safest and best possible results it is recommended that a board certified plastic surgeon perform this corrective technique. These specialists are not only trained in anatomy, but generally have extensive experience in all aspects of dermal filler administration, which helps to ensure greater accuracy and reduces the risk of potential complications.

What to expect during a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure

A non-surgical rhinoplasty will be performed under a local anaesthetic. A practitioner will begin by applying a cream to numb the area before beginning the injections. The patient will remain awake for the duration of the procedure but will not feel any pain. The filler will then be injected into specific locations through the use of a fine needle. The injection sites and the quantity of the filler used will depend on the extent and type of the correction required.

The entire procedure is often conducted in under 30 minutes. It is possible to treat a number of concerns in a single session, however, if the nasal corrections required are more significant, then this may require more than one session.

Should you feel slightly nervous, then you may want to speak to your doctor about taking a form of oral sedative to help calm your nerves beforehand. However, do not take painkillers without consulting with your doctor, as certain medications like aspirin can thin the blood and cause excessive bleeding at the injection site.

Your doctor may suggest that someone drive you home afterwards should you feel slightly out of it, however, most patients can drive themselves home once the procedure is completed.

You can expect the injected area to bruise immediately after the treatment and for a couple of hours following it. Your nose may also feel tender to the touch or sore for a period of three to five days.

Your follow-up visit post-treatment will depend on the type of dermal filler that is used and the extent of the corrections required. This appointment will typically take place between two and three weeks after your initial procedure and your practitioner may perform some touch-ups at this time.

What to expect before and after a non-surgical rhinoplasty

There are a couple of things that you should be aware of and do before your treatment that may improve the experience as a whole. In addition to some general steps that may speed up your recovery and the process of healing, the below pointers will aid in ensuring the best results from your non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure.

It is vital that you speak to your doctor about aftercare though, as he or she may have specific instructions that they have found to work best for patients.

The below outlines some of the more general guidelines for aftercare:

  • Avoid applying any pressure on your nose as this will allow for quicker healing and better results. Try sleeping on your back at night for the first five days or more.
  • Avoid sun exposure, laser and tanning treatments and chemical peels for the first week following your procedure, as these kinds of procedures may result in scarring and inflammation of the nasal area.
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