Preventing obesity

Preventing obesity

Preventing obesity

What are the best prevention methods?

The best way to avoid obesity is to never reach that stage. Unhealthy weight gain and associated health problems can be avoided. The best means of preventing obesity is to recognise the lifestyle patterns worsening a problematic weight condition and to take action to turn away from that path.

Good lifestyle choices can reverse the adverse effects of unhealthy weight and prevent further gain. Whether a little overweight or at risk of falling into an obesity category, the best things to do are:

  • Develop a regular, moderate-intensity workout plan (150 to 300 minutes every week) that includes aerobic activity such as swimming or walking.
  • Develop healthier eating habits. Cut out saturated fats and unhealthy sugars and replace meals with those that a high in nutrients and low in calories. By focussing on foods that promote good health, especially heart health, and ensure minimal weight gain, a person is better able to burn off calories.
  • Take note of habits that trigger bad habits. Once in the know, it is easier to stay in control of the behaviours that trigger the kind of habits that ultimately lead to weight gain.
  • Monitor subtle changes so as to ensure that setbacks do not become more than can be handled.
  • Get into the habit of being consistent – with eating habits, activity etc.

How many calories should a person eat daily to lose weight effectively?

This is best answered by taking age, gender and activity level into consideration. The more active a person is, the more calories are best burned. A dietician can best assist with the most beneficial targets which can be achieved in a healthy way.

Recommended daily calorie consumption (average) for …

  • Women (aged between 19 – 51): 1 800 to 2 400
  • Women (ages 51+): 1 800 to 2 200
  • Men (aged between 19 - 51): 2 200 to 3 000
  • Men (ages 51+): 2 000 to 2 800
  • Children and teenagers (aged between 2 – 18): 1 000 to 2 400 (female) and 1 000 to 3 200 (male)
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