The verdict and frequently asked questions on microblading

The verdict and frequently asked questions on microblading

The verdict and answers to FAQ's on microblading

The verdict on microblading

Eyebrows are one of the most prominent features of the face and perform a number of functions. They help to accentuate your eyes, shape your face and even play a powerful role in your communication, your eyebrows are a vital asset to beauty, expression and to your overall confidence. With this in mind and in a world fuelled by the cosmetic altering of appearances and full of plastic surgery options, it is no wonder that microblading has gained the popularity it has in such a short period of time.

Even though microblading is a semi-permanent procedure, the complications linked to it may be permanent. Although the few complications and risk factors that are sometimes associated with the technique are not commonly seen among clients (or have not been documented or reported), they are still a very real possibility. Knowing this, the most important factors to consider when going for microblading are your technician, their skill, the quality of the equipment used and attention to hygiene as these will determine your overall results. Microblading may also leave a little hole in your bank account, so be very careful whom you decide to invest your money, and face with. 

Overall the procedure has certainly shown to make a significant difference in all shapes, colours and types of eyebrows. Men and women suffering from severe alopecia may finally be able to stop filling in their eyebrows with a pencil or having to grin and bear their ‘no-eyebrow’ appearance thanks to microblading. The procedure also eliminates pencilling in and filling your eyebrows each day, making getting ready in the mornings quicker and, when done well, it can add full, shaped and defined eyebrows to accentuate the face.

With all of this information, it is easy to see how microblading is used by men and women across the globe. However, more research into the side effects of the procedure needs to be conducted and documented, although, for a healthy individual, it does seem reasonably safe and a great way to achieve a boastfully beautiful pair of brows.

Any more questions you may have about microblading…

How long does microblading last and how often are follow-up appointments required?

Most technicians will tell you that microblading can last anywhere from one to three years and will recommend that you have a touch up after 18 months or possibly sooner if required. The amount of fading that occurs will depend on your skin type and lifestyle, for example, if you lead an outdoor lifestyle spending a lot of time in the sun may fade the pigment.

Will my microblading fade completely?

Your eyebrows will gradually fade over time, with most technicians noting that the colour fades by roughly 50% in a year or more.

That said, some clients see results for only a few months, while others last for a few years. How your microblading wounds heal and how long the results last will depend entirely on your body.

Will microblading stop my natural eyebrow hair growth?

Microblading does not generally have an effect on your natural hair growth. The procedure does not prevent any progressive hair loss or encourage the growth of new hair either.

Will I still need to get my natural brows shaped/plucked or dyed?

Your natural eyebrow hairs will continue to grow outside of the pigmented area applied through microblading. This means that you will still need to pluck the occasional stray hair (depending on your own hair growth). If you have rather lustrous and bushy brows, then you may have to have these shaped every so often, fortunately, microblading would have provided the perfect shape and brow line to follow.

If you have naturally light-coloured eyebrow hairs and the pigment from your microblading is significantly darker, then you may need to dye these hairs every few months. It is advised that you speak to your technician about this as he or she may not recommend this soon after the procedure as eyebrow dye can irritate the microbladed area.

How is microblading different to eyebrow tattooing?

For eyebrow tattoos, a cosmetic tattooing machine is used to implant pigment into your skin with a variety of tiny needles. This is different to a regular tattoo machine in that the pigment is implanted much closer to the skin’s surface.

Microblading is a slightly different process that uses a handheld tool known as a microblading pen instead of a motorised machine to implant pigment into the skin. The difference with microblading is that the technique can achieve hair-like strokes to create the illusion of actual hairs, whereas eyebrow tattoos are more block-like in their end result to make it look as though the eyebrow has been coloured in with a brow pencil or powder.

The technician performing the microblading will meticulously draw each hair stroke following the direction and length of the existing hairs. Microblading implants the pigment closer to the skin to create the look of realistic fine hairs, creating a more natural look than eyebrow tattoos. However, eyebrow tattoos may last longer as the pigment is more solidly drawn into the skin, and inserted into the deeper layers.

What happens if I am unhappy with my microblading?

As with all forms of cosmetic procedures that have permanent or semi-permanent effects, you should not take making the decision to undergo microblading lightly. It is recommended that you do your research, compare quotes, hygiene practices and the professionalism of various technicians, and also compare their work on previous clients before choosing one.

If you are unhappy with your microblading results, then you will need to assess why.  Are they already fading? Is there an infection present? Do you not like the shape? The answer to this will determine your course of action.

If an infection is present, then a visit to the doctor will be in order. If the source of your unhappiness has to do with aesthetics, then you’ll have a few options.  If the issue if fading, a follow-up may be all that is necessary to get the desired results.

If it’s shape and symmetry that causing you woes unfortunately, the pigment will already be set in your skin, making the results semi-permanent. If you’re unhappy with the technician’s technique or perhaps the fact that they did not listen to what you wanted your eyebrows to look like, then another technician may be able to correct some of the issues.

PREVIOUS What are the risks and complications of microblading?