Health Supplements

Health Supplements

We often buy nutritional supplements and vitamins with the goal of improving our overall health or perhaps a specific condition, but, how do we know we’re buying the right supplement or if the supplement we’re looking for will aid in treating or preventing health disorders and diseases? Not to mention whether it will have any side effects we’re not aware of…

The majority of supplements are commonly labelled with nutritional buzzwords such as ‘organic’, ‘all-natural’, ‘safe to use’ and have minimal side effects and warnings listed. The issue with this is that a number of these products, which are classified as nutritional supplements rather than medications, are not regulated by the various drug authorities and relevant organisations. This means that no one is effectively verifying the existence of the ingredients and measurements mentioned on the label within the actual product. Manufacturers can, therefore, get away with using terms such as these and make promises that they cannot always deliver.

This leaves us not knowing which way to turn when choosing health supplements such as probiotics, herbs, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and some other dietary ingredients. Due to this dilemma, the My Med team have conducted in-depth research on commonly used (and searched) supplements, their proven and anecdotal health benefits, their usage and side effects, warnings and complications, helping you to make an informed decision and setting your mind at ease when it comes to choosing the right products for your health.

Our section on health supplements outlines everything you need to know…