Tramadol - Important warnings and considerations

Tramadol - Important warnings and considerations

Tramadol - Important warnings and considerations

As a result of the opioid content, Tramadol does carry a risk of usage abuse which can lead to addiction. With physical pain relief, many find that that the medication (particularly with long-term use) also produces a euphoric effect, which can become difficult to dissociate form. When this happens, the medication can become habit-forming.

Those with addiction problems associated with this medication crave ‘the high’ which can be achieved and in severe instances, can experience hallucinations. Withdrawal symptoms can also be intense for an addicted user.

For this reason, doctors carefully assess a new patient’s addiction risk before prescribing this medication (in any form and strength). If there is a history or alcohol or drug abuse, or attempts of suicide, a doctor may very well opt not to make use of this medication for treatment. A doctor may also opt to dismiss treatment with this medication if any others are already being used for mental illness conditions.

How great a risk is addiction?

Addiction should not be confused with the body becoming settled on the medication. An addiction merely means that the purpose of use has changed (i.e. doses are administered to achieve levels of euphoric relief).

In comparison to other habit-forming medications, Tramadol carries a fairly low risk of addiction due to euphoric effects. Chemically triggered effects in the brain can stimulate feelings of well-being (central nervous system stimulation) as early as a week after commencing regular doses.

A ‘pleasurable high’ which becomes habit-forming is only really achievable when taking the medication in a manner other than that which is safely prescribed. If abused or misused, the body beings to tolerate the substance prompting higher doses in order to achieve ‘the high’. The intensity of the medication’s effects will thus intensify as well, stimulating a dependency.

Misuse and abuse of Tramadol includes injecting, chewing, smoking, snorting, ingesting higher doses and more frequently than prescribed, as well as combining the medication with other drugs (medicinal or illicit) and alcohol consumption.

Your doctor will ensure to only authorise dosage amounts that treat your medical condition and not to recommend excess amounts that can compromise your overall health or lead to a change in need of the drug (i.e. become habit-forming). If you adhere to your doctor’s recommendations, you should not form an addiction to Tramadol.

PREVIOUS Side-effects of Tramadol usage