Outlook for bunions and prevention

Outlook for bunions and prevention

Outlook for bunions and prevention

When it comes to the overall outlook and possible prevention of bunions, taking the best care of the feet, as well as making sensible choices in footwear will go a long way in keeping these unsightly and painful formations at bay. Ill-fitting shoes may not be the sole cause of a bunion, but they can certainly aggravate one. Once a bunion develops, shoe choices are critical.

If a bunion is diagnosed early on (before extensive deformity occurs) shoe adjustments and orthotics can prevent or dramatically slow down the progression of deformity.

Shoes that fit well (conform to the actual shape of a person’s foot) and have plenty of toe room (without cramping or pinching the toes, or pressing against any portion of the foot) are best. Some may be able to wear low-healed shoe styles, should there be adequate space around the toes.

Purchasing shoes with extra depth can help to give feet extra room and possibly accommodate calluses which may have formed a little more comfortably. These styles can also accommodate shoe inserts for added comfort and support. Stretchy and soft fabrics like soft leather and canvas can work well when on the lookout for new shoes. Styles which have laces, and straps can also make loosening the fit a little easier, as well as better accommodate foot shape.

Making use of accessories such as moleskin, felt or gel-filled pads, orthotics, toe-spacers (silicone spacers placed between the big and second toes), arch supports, and thin, loose socks can add additional comfort and support, as well as avoid irritation and pain.

Close-up of elderly woman trying on shoes.

Top tips for purchasing shoes include:

  • Shopping for shoes towards the end of the day when feet are typically at their largest (feet tend to swell throughout the day).
  • Choosing stores where feet can be measured, and assistants can help with finding the most comfortable fit.
  • Bringing along socks which may be regularly worn with selected shoes, ensuring the most comfortable fit.
  • Walking a little in the store once shoes have been tried on as this can help to check for comfort and ensure that the back of the shoes have ample room, and don’t rub or squeeze the heels when walking.
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