Is bought beauty worth it?

Is bought beauty worth it?

Is bought beauty worth it?

We know that beauty can be bought. The fancy foods, personal trainers and procedures are all things that come at a hefty cost. It is obviously easier for people with money to be able to afford these things, but what it actually comes down to is balance.

Some months you might not be able to buy all the healthy things you want, you might have down days and better days.

You might save up for Botox while you eat a burger on the way home.

The best plan is to try your best to keep your body performing optimally, even with the few pitfalls and pity-parties for the bad beauty days. Do what makes you happy. And if you are going the aesthetic procedure route, don’t skimp out, make sure you go to a good, board certified plastic surgeon who knows that they are doing. Also, eat your greens. But more than anything, do what makes you feel beautiful and better about yourself, for yourself. That’s what matters.

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