Is bought beauty wrong?

Is bought beauty wrong?

So, is bought beauty wrong?

In answering this question, another one arises… If our bodies react positively when we feel good about ourselves and our looks, then surely taking measures to make us feel beautiful is not wrong.

Some may argue that ‘bought beauty’ is not the real deal and just an illusion. Imagine going to your beloved clothing store and paying a premium price for a designer jacket to only find out that it is actually a knock-off. Not to compare people to jackets, but you get the point.

Many see made-up faces and push-up bras as false advertising, but if these things make you feel better about yourself then you have to ask, “Am I doing this for me, or for others?” Chances are, if you are going through the effort of improving your looks for others, you will more likely to experience surface-level self-esteem, which can result in you having a more negative feeling about your natural appearance when the makeup and fancy outfit comes off.  If, however, you’re doing it to make yourself feel more confident and happy and you feel just as good without these things, then where’s the harm?  It’s a fine line though, so make sure you’re being honest with yourself about your true motivations.

Not that only women can ‘buy’ beauty. Men also undergo minor to drastic changes in an attempt to look and feel more attractive. Hair toupees and plugs are no longer taboo, procedures such as nose jobs and tummy tucks are as much male-focused as they are female. Skincare for men is seen as ‘a must’, and let’s not forget, tinted moisturiser, spray tans and makeup are no longer deemed as exclusively feminine products.

Getting back to the point, to some extent beauty can be bought, where it’s right or wrong for you to do this, is solely your decision.

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