Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel, medically referred to as chemexfoliation, is a controlled technique using a chemical solution that is applied to the area of treatment in order to accelerate exfoliation and remove the old and/or damaged upper layers of skin.

The process stimulates new skin and collagen growth with more evenly distributed melanin and is used to improve the overall appearance of the skin's texture, particularly on the face, neck and hands.

Superficial issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring should also improve.

Some clinics offer chemical peels as ‘spot treatments’ for areas other than the face to treat crepey skin and even stretchmarks.

In this article we’ll explore the various types of chemical peels, the conditions they treat, what they involve and the results you can realistically expect to achieve.

NEXT Chemical peels for the face

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