Will I lose weight through a juice cleanse?

Will I lose weight through a juice cleanse?

Will I lose weight through a juice cleanse?

The simple answer is, yes3. You are highly likely to shed some unwanted weight during a juice cleanse, but be warned, you can easily pack this back on should you return to eating excessive portions of high-fat foods. You will need to adapt to a healthy eating plan after a cleanse, and before one, as we previously mentioned. This will help you to stick to a weight that is sustainable. Remember, it’s a lifestyle, not a diet.

The weight you will lose during a cleanse will most likely be water weight. This is because of the fact that when you eat whole foods such as carbohydrates (breads and grains), these are heavier foods and result in your body having to hold onto water to aid in the digestion process of them. If you take these foods away, your water weight will disappear. But, when you start eating solids after the cleanse, your water weight is bound to come back.

Oh, and did we mention that due to the cleanse being so restricting, some people may have severe cravings during it and spiral into eating sugary foods after completing it. So, there’s that.



3. Henning S, Yang J, Shao P et al. Health benefit of vegetable/fruit juice-based diet: Role of microbiome. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02200-6

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