Endoscopy results and patient follow-up

Endoscopy results and patient follow-up

Endoscopy results and patient follow-up

Most endoscopes are outpatient procedures (requiring no overnight hospital stays). Any incision wounds will be closed with stitches and properly bandaged immediately after the examination has been completed. Once you are awake post procedure, your doctor will give you care instructions for the wound.

Much of the endoscopy findings may be discussed with you post procedure, once you are awake and alert. Results of the examination will depend on what the doctor could determine as a cause of a bothersome symptom. Some instances may mean that a course of treatment or medication can be prescribed and sent home with you. In other instances, where sample testing was required, you will need to wait to receive results.

If a biopsy sample has been taken, your doctor will advise you and give you some indication as to when you may expect results to be completed by a laboratory. This often takes a few days. Once any results are ready, they will be sent to your doctor or specialist and he or she will arrange a consultation (follow-up) to discuss these with you (if necessary).

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