How do I prepare for my wisdom teeth extraction?

How do I prepare for my wisdom teeth extraction?

How do I prepare for my wisdom teeth extraction?

Your dentist can sometimes perform the wisdom teeth removal in his or her office, however, this is not always the preferred choice, particularly if the surgery requires the removal of multiple teeth or a more in-depth approach, in these instances the surgery will be performed by an oral maxillofacial surgeon in hospital. The surgeon will use a local anaesthetic to numb the area as well as a general anaesthetic (in most cases) to allow for you to be comfortable and not feel any pain during the procedure.

The surgery itself is routine and commonly performed worldwide. There is very little that can go wrong and the procedure itself is relatively quick.

There are a few questions you may have for your oral surgeon (to whom you will be referred by your dentist) which might include:

  • How many of my wisdom teeth are being removed?
  • What kind of anaesthesia will be used? Will I be awake?
  • Are there any complications you are expecting to face for this surgery?
  • How long will this surgery take?
  • Have my impacted wisdom teeth already done any damage to the adjacent teeth? If so, what can be done about this?
  • Are there any risks of nerve damage occurring?
  • Are there any dental treatments that I might require later on?
  • How long will it take for me to heal completely and return to my normal activities?

 Surgery for wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth removal surgery

Preparing for surgery

For wisdom tooth/teeth removal, you will be checked into hospital as an outpatient, this means you will be able to go home on the same day as the surgery.

The hospital and your oral surgeon will give you instructions on what you will need to do prior to the surgery and on the day of surgery.

In order for you to be fully prepared, you may ask the below questions:

  • Will someone need to drive me home once the surgery is over?
  • What time should I arrive at the hospital or dental clinic?
  • Should I avoid drinking or eating anything before the surgery and for how long prior to it?
  • Am I able to take any prescription medications I have before the procedure?
  • Should any nonprescription drugs be avoided before my surgery?
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