What are the types of tummy tucks?

What are the types of tummy tucks?

What are the types of tummy tucks?

Your goals and concerns will undoubtedly be different to those of another patient’s. Your surgeon will recommend the type of surgery he thinks will best help you to achieve your surgical goals, creating the most natural and least scarring results. 

The basic procedure of a tummy tuck requires an incision along the pubic area, this skin is lifted and the weakened muscles are repaired. A second incision is sometimes needed to cut out any excess skin in the abdominal area. The upper skin is then pulled down, once the lower skin has been removed, and shut together like a window closing. A new opening for the belly button is then created, which it is pushed through and sutured into the correct position. The incision marks are then sutured closed often with dissolvable stitches. However, depending on your surgical goal, there are three different types of a tummy tuck, being:

Mini tummy tuck 

This procedure makes a single incision around the pubic hair area, which is often placed below the underwear line so as to hide it. The cut can range from a few centimeters to the entire span of your abdomen. This method tightens the muscles, removes loose skin and may also use liposuction to further tone the area. Candidates normally feel as though their tummy protrudes too much below the navel or belly button. They have usually tried diet and exercise and are in considerably good shape, but cannot seem to lose the extra skin and fat on their stomach. Here, the belly button stays in the same place as skin is only removed beneath the naval.

Classic or full tummy tuck 

This method includes cutting across the lower area of the abdomen, as well as another cut (incision) circling the navel. It is known to improve the upper and lower tummy. Extra skin is then removed, the tummy muscles are contracted and tightened and your doctor may perform liposuction to improve the overall abdomen contour. This surgery typically removes skin that has previously been stretched from pregnancy, obesity or genetic laxity (muscle weakness). The skin is removed from the navel down to the pubic hairline and a new belly button is often created. The scar is often from hip to hip.

High lateral tension or extended tummy tuck 

This method improves the upper and lower abdomen and the flanks. It removes excess skin from the hips or love handles. This method is known as one of the initial procedures that was created to remove the extra skin after multiple pregnancies or dramatic weight loss. The procedure involves a longer incision as it tightens the abdominal muscles and includes removing excess skin from the front abdomen and suspends and improves the thigh and hip area.

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