Breast lift considerations

Breast lift considerations

Every cosmetic surgery has its pros and cons. Breast lift procedures are no different, and this type of plastic surgery has its own considerations. These include:

Breast lift pros

  • Breast shape as well as the projection and symmetry can be improved.
  • Self-confidence is often boosted due to the improved aethetic appearance of the breasts.
  • Breasts may appear more youthful.

Breast lift Cons

  • The effects of a breast lift might diminish over time due to ageing or gravity.  How long results last may also depend on the elasticity of one's skin.
  • A breast lift does leave scars (although these can be hidden by wearing a bra or a swimsuit).
  • If you fall pregnant after having a breast lift, the results may be compromised.

The benefits of a breast lift

There are a number of common reasons why women choose to have a breast lift done, these being:

  • A breast lift can restore breast shape after pregnancy and breast feeding. Pregnancy can result in the sagging and stretching of a woman's breasts. A more aesthetically pleasing appearance can be attained through a breast lift which aids in correcting these negative affects on the body.
  • A breast lift can improve breast contours and the overall appearance of the breasts after significant weight loss. Weight loss often results in excess, sagging breast tissue. This can be removed to restore a more youthful and proportional breast.
  • A breast lift can help a woman to have the firm and perky breasts she has always wanted. Some women have naturally droopy breasts and others breasts sag with age. A breast lift improves and/or restores the breast contour, allowing women to experience perky, aesthetically pleasing breasts.
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