Dermabrasion recovery and homecare

Dermabrasion recovery and homecare

It is advisable to follow your specialist’s homecare instructions exactly as directed. This involves how to change your non-stick dressings, and when to clean or apply protective ointments to the affected area. This will help to keep the treated area moist and promote healing. You may be asked to clean the affected area several times a day to alleviate risk of infection, and to remove crusting that occurs as the skin heals.

Prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers may be recommended during the weeks following the procedure, especially if an extensive area was treated. A dermabrasion procedure can be somewhat painful to experience. These medications will help to alleviate any physical discomfort.

You will be advised to avoid swimming pool water (especially those treated with chlorinated products), as well as any other activities that may accidently cause harm to the sensitive area of skin (such as active sports using a ball) for 4 to 6 weeks.

You will also be asked to be mindful of sun exposure. Once peeling and crusting of the skin has ceased, you will need to apply sunscreen to the skin every day. The new skin is incredibly sensitive to sun exposure and this can result in sun damage and discolouration if protective measures aren’t implemented effectively.

If the skin around the mouth was treated, an antiviral medication may be prescribed to help prevent infections.

You will be asked to be as gentle with handling your skin as you can be. You will need to avoid the use of harsh skincare products and cleansers. It is also best not to scrub, rub or pick at your skin (especially when crusting occurs).

You may use a thick moisturising cream or lotion (petroleum jelly is quite effective) in treating the very sensitive skin following treatment.

Once a specialist has assessed the treated skin during follow-ups and is comfortable that the new skin completely covers the area, you may be allowed to apply cosmetic products to conceal the appearance of inflammation (redness). He or she will check the healing process, treat any problems that occur, and be on the look-out for any early signs of infection as well.

It can happen that adverse reactions occur. If the treated skin area becomes increasingly itchy, red or raised during healing, your specialist will want to assess any signs of scarring or other non-desired reactions. Darkening of the skin once the skin has completely healed can also happen. In this case, bleaching agents may be recommended to help even out your skin tone.

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