What to think about before having a dermabrasion treatment?

What to think about before having a dermabrasion treatment?

Know what to expect during a dermabrasion treatment

It is important to ensure that you are thoroughly aware of what the treatment process entails and how it will affect your skin. The rotation motion of the instruments used (directly on the skin’s surface) has a ‘wounding’ effect, which ‘destroys’ the skin’s outer layers.

Your chosen specialist should explain this effect in detail before you opt to have any treatments done. It will take some time for the skin to heal and rejuvenate itself following such an abrasive treatment.

During the healing process, the skin will be sensitive and will require appropriate care. It’s important that you adhere to the care guidelines a specialist gives you as it can help the skin to heal properly, as well as avoid potential infections. It can also take some time for the true effect of the treatment to be clearly visible. Depending on the condition was being treated, it can take between several weeks and a few months to clearly see the results of the procedure.

Just as important is understanding what a dermabrasion treatment can and can’t do. It is not a 100% removal technique, for any appropriate skin issue or condition. For many, a good result is considered to be around a 50% appearance improvement. Therefore, while dermabrasion improves the appearance of a skin marking, it cannot completely remove it.

Be open to other skin resurfacing techniques

Dermabrasion is just one of many effective resurfacing methods, your specialist may also offer or recommend other techniques you can consider. Laser resurfacing or chemical peels are other methods that can be used to improve the appearance and texture of the outer layers of skin.

These options also ‘destroy’ the outer (superficial) layers and work to help the skin to regrow. A specialist will discuss all available options with you following a thorough assessment of your skin and your preferred results. In some instances, the best result may be achieved with more than one resurfacing technique.

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