What skin conditions are not recommended for dermabrasion?

What skin conditions are not recommended for dermabrasion?

Not all skin conditions can be treated with a dermabrasion procedure. Skin problems such as recurrent herpes (herpes simplex virus type 1 / HSV-1) flare-ups, inflammatory acne, congenital skin defects, pigmented birthmarks, most moles, burn scars or radiation burn markings are not suitable for dermabrasion treatment.

Certain medications which thin out the skin may also prevent a dermatologist from recommending dermabrasion treatments. If you have taken isotretinoin (or Accutane), an acne medication, within 6 to 12 months prior to seeking dermabrasion treatment, a dermatologist or surgeon may discourage the procedure as well. This is due to the fact that this medication can impair healing and cause scarring.

A person with a very dark skin tone will need to be carefully assessed. If naturally very dark, a dermatologist may not recommend this treatment procedure as it can result in further scarring or discolouration. Fairer skinned individuals appear to experience the best results following this treatment procedure.

Other reasons dermabrasion may not be recommended include:

  • Skin areas that have been affected by a brow or face-lift (those that have not been affected by such procedures may be considered for treatment).
  • The appearance of or a history of abnormal scarring, such as hypertrophic scars or keloids.
  • Problems with blood flow or other immune-related issues that can affect healing.
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