Fibromyalgia misconceptions

Fibromyalgia misconceptions

Fibromyalgia misconceptions

What is the most common misconception about this disorder?

Those who suffer from this condition struggle with touch and pressure that is applied to the body (i.e. They have a heightened sensitivity to pain). To anyone else, there appears to be nothing physically wrong with a person. Pain intensity also varies from day to day.

The biggest misconception about the condition relates to the lack of understanding around what actually causes it. Initially, this condition was dubbed as something that was ‘all in your head’ and actually didn’t exist. The nature of this condition is both physiological and neurochemical, which does make it a difficult condition to understand and research. There is still a fair amount of grey area when it comes to understanding how this condition develops, why and the best ways to manage it.

It's a frustration point for both patient and medical professional. Traditional treatment approaches aren’t able to cure this condition, and there appears to be no simple fix to achieve wellness again for anyone who has fibromyalgia (a cure). It’s a constant process affecting the quality of someone’s life and neither a patient or medical professional can every really get the better of it for good. That said, it’s not impossible to make some degree of comfort possible, but it takes time, patience and dedication from everyone involved. Every small step makes a difference.

More and more medical professionals are researching this condition, and so misconceptions are falling away. Fibromyalgia is now considered a real problem. Researchers are looking to find a definite cause. If they can do this, diagnosis and treatment is sure to be easier and more effective.

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