Gastritis FAQs

Gastritis FAQs

What is the difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is characterised by irritation and inflammation of the stomach, and also the intestines. This condition is typically caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

Parasites, food allergens (allergies), or adverse reactions to types of medications or antibiotics are also known causes.

Gastritis, however, only involves the inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the protective lining of the stomach.

Symptoms associated with gastroenteritis include watery diarrhoea, vomiting and nausea, cramping, fever and headaches. Dehydration can also occur because of vomiting and diarrhoea.

Treatment for gastroenteritis is generally the same as for gastritis, along with anti-microbial medications where more severe cases are diagnosed.

How long does gastritis last?

A bout of gastritis and how long it lasts depends on the source causing the inflammation. It can range from as little as a few hours to several weeks, depending on the cause and severity of damage to the stomach lining.

Usually, if the source of the problem is food or beverages, cutting out these irritants from your diet can alleviate symptoms within a few hours. If caused by a bacterial infection, the severity of the inflammation can take up to a few weeks to clear up with adequate treatment, as recommended by a medical professional.

Is Nexium good for gastritis?

Nexium is often recommended for relief of symptoms causing inflammation. Nexium is also known as esomeprazole and is classified as a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). This means that the medication works to suppress the production of stomach acid, and thus promote healing in the stomach. Nexium can also help clear other symptoms of indigestion and heartburn, as well as gastritis.

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