More information on waist training

More information on waist training

More information on waist training

The difference between extreme and intermediate waist training

Now, we have spoken about the countless benefits of corsetry and waist training for medical and even some aesthetic reasons. But on the other end of the scale, there are those who are willing to go to the extreme to get ‘the look’ they are after.

But just how far do some women go for ‘the hourglass’ figure? The above-mentioned instances of corset use and their advantages and disadvantages are based on intermediate or rather moderate corset use. However, in some cases, corset users can take it too far and ‘train’ their waists to a point that is dangerous to their health.

These women have breast to waist ratios that are treacherously absurd and ‘cartoon-like’. In situations such as these, women are known to wear their waist trainers’ day in and day out, tightening their corsets more and more each day. Using corsets with steel enforcement for that extra ‘cinch’ for up to 23 hours a day over a few years.

In these circumstances, they would have to eat much smaller meals and cut out any carbonated or spicy foods that may lead to bloating. This level of compression can lead to a variety of issues with organ placement, fractured ribs and breathing. Some experts believe that the desire to achieve a smaller waist can develop into a never-ending addiction to achieve unattainable results.

Some women are willing to even go as far as removing their ribs, often removing as many as six ribs. This is seen as a cosmetic procedure, although no legitimate doctor or surgeon should be willing to perform it as it completely compromises the safety of the internal organs.

Think about this, the primary function of the rib cage is to protect your vital organs. The lowermost ribs are removed during a rib-removal surgery for cosmetic reasons, and these are positioned around vital organs such as the kidneys, part of the stomach and gallbladder. Once having these ribs removed, if you were to be in a car accident or impact your abdominal area in some form of injury, the consequences of this have a far higher risk of being fatal.

Generally, a rib-removal surgery is only done for necessary reasons such as development growth issues or bone cancer. However, the demand for women to have the procedure done for cosmetic reasons to achieve their goal of a smaller waist circumference is rapidly increasing.

How long do you have to wear a waist trainer for?

Waist training is not meant to be a quick fix. Granted, when you are wearing a waist trainer you may appear significantly smaller or slimmer, but once you take it off, your body will return to its natural shape. However, to achieve permanent results, it can take up to 20 hours a day, and seven days a week, over a two-year period, to achieve a 25% reduction in waist circumference.

Also, bear in mind that some bodies will take to waist training easily, whilst others may show a little more resistance. The main factor that contributes to the success of waist training is how pliable your core muscles are. If you are a very flexible person, you are likely to respond to a corset quicker than someone who has a more solid composition and is rigid.

Most women who practice waist training say that in order to effectively train your waist, then you will need to wear your corset over a very long period of time.

Some women have worn theirs for decades and have seen results in doing so, however, these results are often only temporary and last only a few days once corsets are removed. This thinking makes you wonder how effective waist training really is...

Does a waist trainer result in weight loss?

Waist trainers do not burn any additional calories or result in the loss of fat. The danger comes in with the risk of dehydration. It is important that you stay hydrated during a workout and drink a sufficient amount of water afterwards.

Another theory of counter-productivity comes in when waist trainers are concerned. The American Council on Exercise notes that wearing a waist trainer when exercises can allow for the support of your midsection, however, this also allows for your muscles to relax as opposed to being engaged. As a result, fewer calories are burned. The Council also explains that wearing a corset can cause you to overheat and this can make it difficult to complethigh-intensitysity workout.

PREVIOUS The dangers and benefits of aesthetic waist training
NEXT The verdict on corsetry and waist training