Why would a CT scan be recommended?

Why would a CT scan be recommended?

Why would a CT scan be recommended?

As an imaging technique which can give medical professionals eyes on the inside of the body, CT scans have a variety of different uses, particularly when it comes to evaluating injuries and diagnosing diseases.

A CT scan may be recommended to:

  • Check for muscle disorders
  • Evaluate bone fractures and joint problems
  • Diagnose infections in the body
  • Diagnose conditions such as liver problems, emphysema, cancer or heart disease
  • Locate tumours or abnormal masses (growths), blood clots and build-up of fluid in the body
  • Assess internal structures and blood vessels, as well as internal injury and bleeding

A CT scan is also useful for:

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of specific treatments which may otherwise be complex to assess (such as those for heart disease, emphysema and cancer).
  • Use as a visual guide for biopsy, radiation therapy or surgical procedures
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