FAQs you may have about GERD in infants and children

FAQs you may have about GERD in infants and children

Do infants outgrow reflux?

The simple answer is yes. The majority of infants will outgrow their reflux by the time they reach the age of one. With less than five percent of infants continuing with the symptoms as toddlers.

As a mother who is breastfeeding, does my diet impact my infant’s acid reflux?

It is important to maintain a well-balanced and nutritional diet as a mother who is breastfeeding. It is suggested that you consume an extra 500 calories per day.

It is vital to note how your baby reacts to dietary changes. Acid reflux in breastfeeding infants has been linked to dairy products consumed by the mother. If your infant develops acid reflux, it is best to try to identify the specific foods that may be contributing to the reflux. If you know an allergy runs in your family, then it is best that you speak with your doctor. Lactose intolerance is one of the most common allergies and causes of acid reflux in infants. The best way to detect the causes of your baby’s reflux is through the process of elimination in your diet.

You can do this by avoiding all dairy products for no less than seven days, and if you notice a change in your baby’s behaviour and an improvement in their acid reflux, then it is likely that the infant has an issue with digesting breast milk that contains lactose.

Do breastfed infants spit up?

Spitting up is normal for infants regardless of whether they are breastfed or given formula, and can resolve as the baby matures. If your baby’s reflux worsens or affects their health, they may have GERD.

Why do babies throw up after burping?

If your infant vomits after burping, it often means that their tummy is full. Reflux may result in your baby bringing up a little bit of milk after feeding and may also result in hiccups.

How do I get my infant to stop spitting up?

By avoiding interruptions, bright lights, distractions and interruptions during feeding, your baby will be able to digest their food more effectively. It is best to burp your baby every three to five minutes during a feed. Try not to feed your infant when he or she is lying down and hold them in a more upright position for 20 to 30 minutes after each feed.

What are the symptoms of silent reflux in babies?

Frequently vomiting or spitting up and showing visible signs of discomfort after eating are common signs of GERD. However, silent reflux is when the stomach contents that come back up through the oesophagus are re-swallowed and do not result in pain or spitting up. Common symptoms of this in infants include gagging, frequent burping, choking, bad breath or hiccoughing after eating.

What causes hiccups in a new-born infant?

Hiccups are the result of the diaphragm contracting suddenly which is triggered by a stimulation or irritation of the diaphragm muscle. This is normal and very common in infants and nothing to be concerned about unless associated with severe and uncomfortable reflux.


PREVIOUS How is GERD and acid reflux treated in infants and children?