Types of schizophrenia

Types of schizophrenia

Types of schizophrenia

Based on the symptoms experienced, schizophrenia may be classified according to five main types:


The sufferer becomes distracted by delusions or frequently occurring auditory hallucinations (thinking one hears things or voices that don’t exist). Disorganised speech and behaviour, catatonic behaviour and lack of facial expressions are not usually noted.


The person will exhibit two or more of the following:

  • Immobility – not moving.
  • Excessive movement with no apparent purpose and not due to external stimuli.
  • Extreme negative symptoms (ignoring instructions, rigid posture or mutism).
  • Unusual voluntary movement indicated by pronounced grimacing, posturing and mannerisms.
  • Repetition of words or repeating another’s movements.


This type of schizophrenia is characterised by disorganised speech, behaviour and an expressionless face.


This type is characterised by the following:

  • No prominent hallucinations, delusions, disorganised behaviour (catatonic or otherwise) or disorganised speech.
  • Two or more negative symptoms exist as well as abnormal perceptions or strange beliefs.


With this type, symptoms include disorganised speech and/or behaviour, hallucinations, delusions and negative symptoms that occur for a month or more but the person will not exhibit the criteria under the disorganised, paranoid or catatonic types.

When to see a doctor

Schizophrenia is often not detected by the person who has it. This is due to the fact that he/she feels as though their hallucinations and other symptoms are real and do not link these symptoms to a mental disorder. It is, therefore, the responsibility of friends and family to detect the symptoms and seek medical attention for a definitive diagnosis.

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