The verdict on Melanotan

Melanotan may seem like the perfect quick-tan solution as the side effects listed are somewhat bearable. Keep in mind though that these are side effects that have been seen in users and not always in a clinical setting, a number of possible side effects may yet be documented as they may not occur as commonly or may only become evident over the long term.

There is, however, some possibility that Melanotan could effectively help people in achieving a ‘healthy tan’ in future, but the drug will need to be further investigated on a far more in-depth level and specifically tailored for this purpose in order for it to be regulated and monitored.

Until then, it is advised that you hold off on these tan injections (sprays or patches) as you are putting your health at risk when using these products. Any product that risks your well-being should be used with caution and, as suggested by experts, not used at all.

So, if Barbie is your ideal then rather opt for some safer options in terms of spray tanning, your future self will thank you.

PREVIOUS Is Melanotan the only option for tanning injections?