Symptoms of pregnancy - Frequent urination and constipation

Symptoms of pregnancy - Frequent urination and constipation

Symptoms of pregnancy - Frequent urination and constipation

Frequent urination 

Shortly after conception, hormonal changes in the body will result in an increased blood flow rate through the kidneys. This results in your bladder filling quicker and more frequently, resulting in your needing to urinate more often.

Frequent urination is known to continue and also intensify as pregnancy progresses. During your pregnancy, the amount of blood in your body will almost double, meaning that there is extra fluid going through your kidneys. As your baby starts to grow and develop, it will put pressure on your bladder, making it feel fuller when it isn’t.  

It is best to stay hydrated during pregnancy, don’t try not to drink fluids so as to avoid going to the bathroom. It is also useful to lean forward when you urinate, as this helps you empty your bladder more effectively.

Your urine should be clear, not cloudy or yellow.

Contact your doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort when urinating, as well as if you see any blood in the urine as this could be due to a urinary tract infection.


As the hormone progesterone relaxes the uterine muscles, it can also do the same to the digestive tract, this results in food passing through the intestines at a slower pace. This can result in constipation. Try eating a high-fibre diet and speak to your doctor about natural laxatives.

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