Symptoms of pregnancy - Nausea (Morning Sickness)

Symptoms of pregnancy - Nausea (Morning Sickness)

Symptoms of pregnancy - Nausea (Morning Sickness)

Morning sickness is possibly the most famous pregnancy symptom, but some women do not experience it. The exact cause of it is not yet known, but it is most likely caused by the change and increase of certain hormones in the body during pregnancy. The condition is known as morning sickness due to most women feeling nauseous and vomiting in the morning, but it can actually happen at any time during the day.

It may start as early as two weeks after conception, or only begin a month or so after. It is also known as pregnancy-related nausea (with or without vomiting) and can be experienced after eating a specific food or for no specific reason at all.

Some women crave specific things during pregnancy and can’t stand other things. And some feel as though their stomach turns at the thought of what once was their favourite food. This is due to the shift in several hormones during pregnancy.

Morning sickness symptoms tend to ease up in the 13th or 14th week of pregnancy. Some women can experience for the entire pregnancy duration, and some escape morning sickness entirely. Every person’s body is made differently, and not one pregnancy is the same.

Try and stick to a healthy diet in order to give your baby the nutrients it needs, speak to your doctor about developing an eating plan that works for you.

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