Alzheimer's - Some further questions you may have …

Alzheimer's - Some further questions you may have …

What is the difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

Dementia refers to a set of symptoms that can include having troubles with thinking, memory loss, problem-solving and issues with language. Therefore, dementia is not a disease, but a series of symptoms that lead to mental diseases. It is caused by the destruction and damage of brain cells. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, being a disease that destroys the brain.

How do people die from Alzheimer’s?

Due to the fact that many Alzheimer’s patients develop the disease at an advanced age, many sufferers die from old age rather than the disease itself.

There are however a variety of complications that can be the result of Alzheimer’s, the most common being an intercurrent infection, such as aspiration pneumonia which is a cause of death in some patients. It is the result of advanced Alzheimer’s where the immune system has weakened and the patient may have difficulty with normal functions such as moving and eating. When food or liquid accidentally go down the windpipe instead of the oesophagus, this can cause damage and infection to the lungs resulting in aspiration pneumonia.

What are the most important signs of early Alzheimer’s?

There are 10 important signs to detect the early onset of Alzheimer’s, these are:

  • Having trouble in completing everyday tasks at home, leisure or work.
  • Memory loss disrupting daily life.
  • Experiencing difficulty in problem-solving and working with numbers.
  • Having trouble remembering where they are and what day it is.
  • Not being able to translate visual images and judging spatial objects.
  • Not being able to talk naturally in a conversation due to stopping and forgetting what they were saying or not being able to find the right word.
  • Forgetting where things were placed and not being able to retrace steps.
  • Poor judgment in decision making.
  • Isolating and withdrawing themselves from work and social gatherings.
  • Changing their moods and personality in becoming confused and possibly suspicious.

Is there a cure for Alzheimer’s?

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. It is therefore important that early detection of the above symptoms is identified and treated in order to slow down the progression of the disease.

PREVIOUS The seven stages of Alzheimer’s and how to deal with them