FAQs about scoliosis

FAQs about scoliosis

FAQ about scoliosis

Does scoliosis have a cure?

There is currently no cure for scoliosis however, there are several effective treatment options for the condition. Researchers are still trying to find the exact causes of the different types of scoliosis and in doing so, will potentially be able to find better methods of treatment or even a cure in future.

Can scoliosis cause pain?

The majority of scoliosis cases do not result in pain in children and adolescents. If there is any back-pain present, then it may be the result of the curve of the spine causing pressure or stress on the nerves, spinal discs, ligaments, muscles or facet joints. Therefore, the impact of the curve results in pain and not the curvature itself.

Can scoliosis worsen in adulthood?

Most people with scoliosis only have a mild case of the condition which involves small curves in the spine that do not progress. These small curves rarely result in pain or other complications. A doctor will usually examine children with scoliosis every four to six months and monitor any changes. In moderate and severe cases of scoliosis in childhood the condition may progress into adulthood if it is not effectively treated.

Can scoliosis cause walking and breathing problems?

In severe cases of scoliosis, the curve may put pressure on the spinal cord resulting in a loss of coordination in the muscles of the legs, this can make it difficult to walk in a normal fashion. Should a chest deformity occur as a result of scoliosis, then the heart and lungs may be affected, this can lead to breathing issues, heart conditions and fatigue.

What degree of scoliosis requires treatment?

The majority of adults who have scoliosis will not require surgery or a brace. A doctor is likely to monitor an affected person in order for any progression of the condition to be detected. However, surgery will sometimes be recommended should the curvature be more than 50-degrees and/or if the curvature progresses by at least 5-degrees each year.

Is scoliosis dangerous?

As mentioned, although curvature may affect heart and lung function, scoliosis is unlikely to result in death. Patients in this day and age have far more treatment options which often allow for them to achieve the best possible outcome.

PREVIOUS What is the prognosis for scoliosis?