Symptoms of infertility in women

Symptoms of infertility in women

The symptoms of infertility in women are normally influenced by changes in the menstrual cycle, these can include:

  • Abnormal periods with either heavier or lighter bleeding
  • Periods stopping suddenly or never starting (amenorrhea)
  • Periods that are irregular (i.e. periods are longer or shorter than usual. For example, if your periods are more than 35 days apart this may indicate that you are not ovulating). 
  • Periods that are painful and cause cramping as well as back pain

Hormone-related symptoms can include:

  • Loss of sex drive
  • Dark hair growing on the chin, chest and lips
  • Thinning hair
  • Gaining or losing weight unintentionally
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heat intolerance (i.e. sweating or feeling unusually hot)
  • Cold intolerance
  • Pain during sex
  • Milky discharge from nipples (unrelated to breastfeeding)
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