Zika virus FAQs

Zika virus FAQs

Zika virus FAQs

Is it safe for children to travel to Zika-risk areas?

Travel guidelines as stipulated by the CDC applies to all, adults and children or infants.

What is currently being done by the CDC?

Data collection is currently being focussed around surveillance of population-based birth defects (so as to identify the full spectrum of potential complications associated with Zika virus infections), and reviewing all medical records (active case findings).

Surveillance data has proved useful in better understanding Zika virus disease patterns (to track the frequency and severity of congenital defects and associated complications), various known risk factors, identify types of defect patterns, and determine the overall effects infection has on communities and populations around the world. Using the data, authorities can better inform prevention methods and assist in connecting affected families with relevant healthcare and social services.

PREVIOUS Zika virus prevention