Signs and symptoms of candidiasis

Signs and symptoms of candidiasis

The following are the typical signs and symptoms of candidiasis:

  • Recurring UTI (urinary tract infections) and vaginal infections – Recurrent infections are often a result of candidiasis in women10
  • Oral thrush – This is a yeast infection and is the result of overgrowth of Candida albicans. In infants it may occur as the immune system is not yet completely developed. In adults it is often caused by medications such as oral corticosteroids. If this is left untreated it can spread throughout the body, becoming invasive and affect the lungs, liver, digestive tract and heart valves.
  • Sinus infections – It can be difficult for the exact cause of a sinus infection to be pinpointed as there are a number of possible causes. If the symptoms of a sinus infection are persistent and include post-nasal drip, congestion and a persistent cough, then the patient should have their levels of Candida checked.
  • Intestinal distress – Burping, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation or flatulence that is persistent may be a result of unhealthy gut bacteria. If Candida yeast overgrows in the intestine, the healthy bacteria may become unbalanced and are therefore not strong enough to fight off the infection.
  • Chronic fatigue – Feeling constantly exhausted is characteristic of a Candida infection. If fatigue lasts for at least six months the sufferer may be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)11. This condition is characterised by symptoms of chronic fatigue along with joint pain, headaches, memory issues and a sore throat.
  • Mood disorders – People who suffer from candidiasis may experience major mood swings that are characterised by irritability, depression12 , anxiety and in some cases, panic attacks.
  • Brain fog – Brain fog is a result of the Candida overgrowth causing a lack of focus, poor memory and even poor coordination physically.
  • Nail and skin fungal infections – Fungus affecting the toenails and Athlete’s foot are extremely common yeast infections and can stem from Candida albicans. If these infections are experienced continuously, then this may be a sign that the affected person has a systemic Candida infection (an infection that is affecting the body as a whole).
  • Hormonal imbalance – A Candida infection can cause a hormonal imbalance which can lead to migraines, water retention, mood swings, endometriosis, a low sex drive and even early menopause. During a Candida overgrowth, inflammation occurs and results in the yeast growing and spreading throughout the body, a by-product of this is that Candida is able to mimic oestrogen which can lead to a severe hormonal imbalance13.
  • Nappy / Diaper Rash - While most cases of nappy rash have more to do with the impairment of skin, in some cases a fungal infection is responsible. The most common fungal infection occurs due to Candida albicans, the result - a diaper yeast infection. This type of infection often occurs on the thighs, genitals and abdomen and also appears in the skin creases in this area. This together with the small, raised infected red bumps make it easily distinguishable from other types of diaper rash.


10. Behzadi P, Behzadi E, Yazdanbod H, Aghapour R, Cheshmeh M, Omran D. Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Candida albicans. Maedica (Buchar). 2010;5(4):277–279. Accessed May 22, 2019.

11.  Cater R. Chronic intestinal candidiasis as a possible etiological factor in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Med Hypotheses. 1995;44(6):507-515. doi:10.1016/0306-9877(95)90515-4

12. Bonovich J. Candida: A Factor in Depression and Mental Health. The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. Accessed May 22, 2019.

13. Cheng G, Yeater K, Hoyer L. Cellular and Molecular Biology of Candida albicans Estrogen Response. Eukaryotic Cell. 2006;5(1):180-191.doi:10.1128/ec.5.1.180-191.2006

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