Prognosis and prevention for Kawasaki disease

Prognosis and prevention for Kawasaki disease

Prognosis and prevention for Kawasaki disease

What is the prognosis for children with Kawasaki's disease?

Generally, Kawasaki disease will resolve through early treatment within four to eight weeks, after which, you can expect a full recovery.

Bear in mind, this is not always the outcome for every child. In some rare cases, Kawasaki disease can be a life-threatening condition as a result of the formation of blood clots in the heart arteries and widening of these arteries. These issues can lead to a number of heart complications and issues, some of which, if not treated promptly and regularly monitored, can be fatal.

Aneurysms forming in the coronary arteries (heart arteries) may occur during childhood or even later on in life, during adulthood as a result of the disease.

Children whose echocardiograms have not shown any widening of the heart arteries often have the best prognosis.

If your child develops any heart complications, he or she will need to be closely monitored. Children who are younger than six months old and show signs of heart issues will need highly attentive care and ongoing monitoring as they are the most at risk of further complications arising.

Researchers are currently investigating various methods that may be able to detect the risk children may have for heart issues such as the aneurysms developing in the coronary arteries. There are various studies and research teams exploring several criteria for the abnormal variant manifestations of Kawasaki disease as these cases are deemed atypical. The more research is done on these topics, the more accurate the diagnosis and in turn, the more effective the treatment.

As with most illnesses, when your child is diagnosed early, the risk of complications arising is significantly decreased. It is vital that you recognise the signs and symptoms of Kawasaki disease and make an appointment to see your doctor if you feel your child may be ill.

Can Kawasaki's disease be prevented?

Due to the fact that the exact cause of the condition is yet to be identified, there are currently no measures in place that have been known to prevent the occurrence of the disease. This makes the early detection of the disease vital in preventing further complications.

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